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Bible Reading Plan
Join us as we read through the Bible in 2024. You can join at any time!
Daily Devotional Recommendations
Experiencing God Day by Day - Henry Blackaby
New Morning Mercies - Paul David Trip
New Morning Mercies for Teens - Paul David Trip
The Jesus Story Book Bible - Sally Lloyd Jones
Commentaries for Daily Study
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible - Matthew Henry
New Bible Commentary- Motyer, Carson & France
Spurgeon's Commentary on the Bible- Charles H. Spurgeon
Logos Software
Logos is a software developed for studying the Bible. They have different plans that give you access to extensive resources for study. Plans start at 100 Euro for a year.
Rightnow Media
We have access to an extensive digital library with over 20,000 discipleship videos for kids, youth, and adults! This is available to every member and regular attender at CrossWay for free. Set up your profile today!